Miami, FL. Oct.29.2012

As every year at this time, Digi-cards Christmas Cards and Holiday Cards start production and make their way into the homes of happy end-users during the holidays. As one of the best ways of maintaining customer contact and relations, hundreds of companies around the world turn to Digi-cards to give one of the most efficient Holiday gifts ever, a customized multimedia download card. “There is a feeling of excitement when you get something in the mail or while walking around the mall other than a simple holiday email, something you can hold and keep in your wallet, desk, etc. and you can download a game, a Christmas song, an application, an eBook, etc.” said Guadalupe Hernandez Moreno, European Sales Manager from Vital Digital Global Corp., parent company of Digi-cards.”Think about this, how many stores, banks, insurance companies, give you a nice holiday gift during the holidays?” she added. Nothing better than Digi-cards with the logo of your company and a nice download as your gift to keep that feeling of giving during the holidays.