Principat d’Andorra Jun.01.2011

Gerardo Alton Ortega, CEO and Founder of Digi-cards, has announced its intention to set the international headquarters of Digi-cards in Principat d’Andorra by 2012. Because of its infrastructure, one of the fastest fiber optics in the world, its location in Europe between France and Spain, and its worldwide access via Toulouse and Barcelona Airports a short distance away, Andorra offers an excellent place to work and operate such a highly technological company. The international headquarters will work side by side with the Miami office, which now serves as the international headquarters and worldwide operations center. Digi-cards has its IT operations in Argentina and manufacturing plants in China; Miami’s headquarters remain an important asset to the company because of its wide Latin American presence, and now in Andorra, Digi-cards will have easy access to Europe and the Middle East.