New York, NY Oct.17.2012

Inching closer to its patents, Digi-cards download cards are still the choice to fulfill the custom multimedia download cards needs of clients ranging from club cover bands to Fortune 500 companies globally. Six years ago the CEO and founder of the then Digimusicards Gerardo Alton-Ortega came up with an idea to distribute music albumsĀ . This idea and method of distribution through a card-like device has been purposely extending its patents pending status to establish the business model throughout the world. “Once you have a patent, companies will go around it to copy your business as closely as possible. When you have a patent pending, copy cats are placed on notice but help to develop and market your product until you finally get the patent and can proceed to negotiate licenses. This is our strategy. “In a worst-case scenario you fail to patent your product but you are still the leader in the business” said Don Luxenberg, legal head at Vital Digital Global Parent company of Digi-cards. The custom multimedia download cards are now an established marketing product, as well as a physical distribution tool known in most countries of the world. As a cost-efficient, eco-friendly, versatile and innovative product, Digi-cards download cards lead the way.