New York, NY. Aug.30.2013

Digi-cards download cards is now present in over 50 countries around the world and accepting payment transactions in more than 16 currencies. The global expansion of Digi-cards is not due until 2014, but Gerardo Alton-Ortega, CEO of Vital Digital Global, the parent company of Digi-cards, is already planning for the future and has made the decision to give the cryptocurrency a chance. Digi-cards is a B2B company whose orders range from 500 Digi-cards for musicians and bands to a million-plus card orders from corporate and brand giants. “There are companies that would not ordinarily pay us with bitcoins and most of our suppliers do not accept them either, but this is now, and we cannot predict the future. Digi-cards is a technology company, and we will always move forward with innovation. We do not want to get into the debate about the bitcoin future, we just want to give clients a chance to use the bitcoins if they choose to pay Digi-cards orders with them” said Gerardo Alton-Ortega, during a conference call. Digi-cards download cards is making arrangements with bitcoin merchant services to start accepting bitcoins as early as September of this year.