Miami, FL. March.11.2014
In a bold move to show how valuable Digi-cards are if used as a marketing tool, Vital Digital Global, parent company of Digi-cards has guaranteed an increase of sales of any product if Digi-cards are attached as added value or VDG will give you money back. In a direct pitch to corporations, manufacturers and product distributors worldwide, Digi-cards will guarantee an increase in sales of their products simply by adding Digi-cards to it, loaded with multimedia content, contests, coupons, etc. With this customer instant gratification, Digi-cards offers branding built on the theory that no one throws away a credit card so its visual impact will be long lasting. Digi-cards also offers something that most of the competition has not offered, and that is the ability to create an incredible database-building opportunity. Case studies have demonstrated the power of Digi-cards as a low cost marketing tool with high value product that will increase sales. For more information make sure you ask you account executive or contact corporate sales.