Miami, FL. June.23.15

For the past decade, the music industry has seen the biggest shift in the way business is conducted. However, regardless of the changes, the end result is always song or album sales. One of the common denominators in the equation has to be digital distribution since it is here to stay. Even though many artists blame it for causing the “pizza slice effect”, it is the only option in a modern world and one must adapt. So how do recording artists make money by selling songs and albums using digital distribution? There are three options (let’s list them in order of appearance). The first option is third-party online stores like: itunes, CD baby, etc. Pros: it is now very easy to upload content to them and have your space in their online store servers for a percentage of the sales. You also get the prestige of having your music in their store. Cons: everyone can be in the store (even dogs barking) so unless someone knows your name or band (other than your family) your chances of selling your music are next to null. You can always promote your download page, but in many cases people will dish out some credit card money for better-known or more popular artists. The second option is using music streaming services like: Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, Amazon Prime Music, etc. Pros: it seems to be a nice, steady source of income for recording artists and the future of radio. Cons: unless you have a Top 100 Billboard hit, forget about making any money. Even if your songs get into the playlist, your income will be so watered-down that your bandmates will have to continue delivering pizza to earn a living for years to come. The third option is Digi-cards download cards. Pros: ever heard of impulse sales and purchases? Digi-cards download cards have the only business model that connects a physical product with digital online distribution and they have many favorable factors. We are not asking you to go door-to-door like old vacuum salesmen; most likely if you are a musician or recording artist you move in circuits that gather a lot of people that listen to music at festivals, concerts, club gigs, etc. With Digi-cards download cards you can literally give them a piece of you, just like merchandising, and what better product than your music? Forget baseball caps, t-shirts, and stickers. Hit them with your best product: your own, collectible Digi-cards download card with your song, video, or album on it. Take their cash, put it in your pocket, and go spend it on pizza that other bands will deliver to you because they are still selling music in online stores or through streaming services. Cons: many download cards manufacturers do not take the presentation and quality of their product seriously. You might end up with paper or laminated cards that are hard to sell, or you might end up with half-customized cards or platforms. Make sure you do your research. Remember the rule, “you get what you pay for”, otherwise, you might end up with 500 or 1000 albums in your pocket instead of making $5,000 or $10,000. It is up to you. One thing is for sure: physical, tangible products are still preferred by many in our digital world. Take advantage of it now because others will and you might end up being the one delivering the pizza. For more information on high-quality, professional recording artist multimedia download cards, visit or