The Corporacion Rochense de Turismo (CRT) unveiled its Digi-cards during the International Tourism Fair (FIT 2011) in Buenos Aires Argentina this week. The Rocha Digi-cards contain a plethora of helpful information as well as sponsors content promoting the beautiful beaches of that region just in time for the South American Summer. The versatility of Digi-cards is helping companies, organizations and even governments to spread multimedia information securely and with the benefits of database collecting, analytics and complete control over their content. Rocha Tourism Corporation (CRT) will benefit from all the advantages of the small sized, environmental friendly and low cost Digi-cards and also the free press that such an innovative product brings. Fabian Cabrera Digi-cards Uruguay Representative said during the event that the Digi-cards were the smartest promotional tool and most innovative product during the International Tourism Fair. Some of the attendees where happy with their Digi-cards and said they would “no longer need large heavy bags to be carrying all sorts of materials which in a way also affect our environment”.