Miami, FL. Jul.26.2011
Digi-cards are really going green and will share with clients and end users how many trees each Digi-card saved. Starting September all orders by clients that wish to share this information will include a Digi-green logo that will show the amount of trees the printing of the digi-card saved in comparison to the printing of the magazine, newspaper, catalog or other paper-printed material. This figure will be based on the Rainforest Maker Businesses ACT paper calculator at Rainmaker Paper Calculator . Also, for every order with the Digi-green logo, Digi-cards Worldwide will donate part of the proceeds to that organization. The newly formed Digi-green division of Digi-cards Worldwide will also offer other eco-friendly opportunities to Digi-cards clients around the world. Digi-cards Worldwide CEO Gerardo Alton Ortega said, “We are a virtual company because we want to conserve resources while saving the earth. We are a “Green” company and Digi-cards is one of the best options to save the environment”. For more information please visit www.digi-green.com.