New York, NY. November.27.2013
Digi-cards will launch its latest version, 5.0 of the now world renowned Digi-cards download cards. This new version will be more efficient for the end-user, and will be also more versatile. Keeping his “cards” close to the vest, CEO Gerardo Alton-Ortega explained during a conference call that Digi-cards 5.0 will have faster download times due to adjustments in the system and content delivery networks, as well as more efficient upgrades to the hardware in the mainframe data center. Digi-cards will be even more secure and will continue to offer the same space as the older 4.0 version, due to the compression capabilities now allow more content in less space. He also said the cost of production will be less therefor Digi-cards will be able to pass savings through to the clients, with all the same perks clients have been accustomed to. “We expect, again, to set a precedent to all copycats out there”. It was not announced if the awaited content data encryption will be available in this new Digi-cards 5.0 version.